We are setting up a unique Centre for Assisted Living, a Skills Development Centre and an Activity Centre for persons with developmental disabilities. The services will be offered to the needy public along with the "special" persons who are living in Nish-Chintha village. Once done, this will be a role model for rehabilitation of families having children with developmental disabilities.
We value your support to take our cause to the next level. Here is an opportunity to volunteer your services, contribute to our cause, and spread the word, so more families and larger community can benefit from our offerings. DonateDonate
NACALS (NAtional Centre for Assisted Living and Skill development) is a unique centre we are setting uo to engage, enrich and train persons with developmental disabilities. The uniqueness is training in Assisted Living, that prepares them to live when their parents are no more.
Care rooms training is something unique that we are setting up, which will prepare persons with developmental disabilities to live independently or with the help of care givers. We are setting up care rooms for the training. You can donate Rs. 2 Lakhs to set up a twin care room. Even a small amount of donation for this purpose would be greatly appreciated.
We are setting up an institute for training persons with developmental disabilities in Assisted Living. The centre will have facilities for vocational training activities and skill development. Once fully functional, this can become a role model for many such centres in the country.
We are setting up an institute for training persons with developmental disabilities in Assisted Living. The centre will have facilities for vocational training activities and skill development. Once fully functional, this can become a role model for many such centres in the country.
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